One Year Older, One Year Wiser, And One More Incredible Book Launch!

Today’s Rattle Shakers Are Tomorrow’s Opportunity Takers!

Inspire Your Children To Be Future Entrepreneurs With Ocean Marie’s Brand New Business Building eBook!

The perfect gift for your son, daughter, grandchild, godchild, nephew, niece, or any other future entrepreneurs in your life!

Here’s How To Give Your Children The Opportunity You NEVER Had Growing Up…

I love my Mom unconditionally, and I know that she always did the best she could for me... no matter what. The man I see when I look in the mirror is a direct result of my Mom and my Grandmom’s efforts.

But if there’s one thing I could have changed about my childhood? I wish they could have taught me the values of entrepreneurship when I was growing up. I know this is a wish a lot of us share. How many of us have hoped or dreamed at some point in our lives of owning our own business? 

If we’d received the right information at an earlier age… deep down we KNOW that could have made an important difference in making that dream a reality.

with that kind of mindset:

The opening chapters of our lives could have been written another way:
  • It would have taken some of the crazy pressure off us in school…
  • It would have stopped us ever having to grind the 9-5 life…
  • It would have allowed us more mobility, more security, more freedom…
For me, it would have helped me start the best part of my life that much sooner. Sure, I was taught the values of working hard… but what I really needed teaching was the importance of working smart.

But there’s no point dwelling on the past. We can’t change it. All we can do is ensure that the children in our lives are provided with all the opportunities they need. And it’s never too early to start encouraging them to dream.

Hi There, I’m Nehemiah Davis And This Is My Beautiful Daughter Ocean-Marie.

Today is Ocean-Marie’s 2nd birthday. You might think that in the position I’m in, I’d be tempted to give her a huge birthday party, a vacation, or countless new toys…

And it certainly is tempting. But I’m doing for her exactly what I needed most as a kid: I’m continuing to nurture and inspire her entrepreneurial spirit to give her the best chance of success when she grows up. This is your opportunity to help me…

…AND provide the same entrepreneurial nourishment to a child in your life too!

The Dreams Of Your Children Could Be The Realities Of Tomorrow!

Let’s face it:

Kids are just about the most creative and imaginative people in the world. You only have to take a glance at their drawings, lego creations and hear their stories to realize this. They come up with ideas like:
  • ‘The piggy plane’
  • ‘The football robot’
  • ‘The cookie shark’
You would not believe how many parents shut these ideas down.

But By buying a copy of Ocean-Marie’s new eBook...

You’re giving their creativity a chance to shine and skyrocket… You’re encouraging them to create unique solutions to problems most adults can’t even see. You’re instilling those ‘work smarter not harder’ values at their most critical time of development.

In other words: You’re providing them with the best chance to reach their full entrepreneurial potential. The best chance to unlock a lifetime of professional fulfillment.

And even if they choose not to become an entrepreneur?

They’ll have all the right values instilled in them to go far in whatever career they choose.

Don’t Miss Your Chance To Provide A Child With A Life-Changing Advantage…

…the gift of entrepreneurship! And sure, that might not make for great pictures in the family photo album. 

But here’s what I keep reminding myself: In 20 years, Ocean Marie won’t remember the countless teddy bears, princess dresses, and other gifts that children usually get on their birthday…

But what she will be able to see… is that her Daddy and thousands of his followers were thinking about her future. She’ll see the benefits of planning ahead. 

She’ll see the importance of handing down assets for the next generation. All the values that have shaped me into who I am today that I only wish I’d picked up sooner.

PLUS: Some Exclusive Gifts For YOU On My Daughter’s Birthday…

Special Birthday Launch Price

Special Birthday Launch Price

The gift of entrepreneurship is one that will keep on giving for years and years to come. Whether it’s your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, younger sibling…

It could even be your kid neighbor or a kid from your local church or school… Don’t miss your chance to provide both Ocean-Marie and a child in your life with a gift they’ll NEVER forget.

Today’s Price: Just $19.99!

Total Value: $XXXX

PLUS: Some Exclusive Gifts For YOU On My Daughter’s Birthday…

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  • ​[Bonus #06] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.
© Greatness Works 2021
© Greatness Works 2021